RYB (acronym for Red-Yellow-Blue) is a subtractive color model used in applied arts and design, where red, yellow and blue pigments are considered primary colors. In accordance with traditional color theory (which some artists consider the “correct theory”, while others use modern color theory [cym] instead), this set of primary colors has been advocated by Moses Harris, Michel Eugène Chevreul, Johannes Itten and Josef Albers. and used by countless artists and designers. Color model RYB has supported the color studies program of the Bauhaus, the Ulm School of Design, and many Bauhaus-influenced schools of art and design, including the IIT Institute of Design (founded under the name New Bauhaus) , Black Mountain College, Yale University Department of Design. , the Shillito School of Design, Sydney, and the Parsons School of Design, New York. In this context, the term primary color refers to three exemplary colors (red, yellow, and blue) as opposed to specific pigments. As shown, in the RYB color model, red, yellow, and blue are mixed to create secondary color segments of orange, green, and purple. This set of primary colors emerged at a time when access to a wide range of pigments was limited by availability and cost, and it encouraged artists and designers to explore the many shades of color by mixing and blending a limited range of pigment colors. In art and design education, red, yellow, and blue pigments were often complemented by black and white pigments, allowing for the creation of a wider range of tones, including tints and shades. The RYB color model refers specifically to color in terms of the application of paints and pigments in art and design. Other common color models are the light model (RGB) and the CMY paint, pigment, and ink color model, which is much more accurate in terms of color gamut and intensity than the traditional RYB color that is created along with CMYK. Color model in the printing industry.